『【輸入盤CD】【新品】Campagnoli/Misciagna/Ciannella / 41 Caprices For Viola Op.22 Arranged For Viola【K2022/11/18発売】 大人気販売中』はヤフオクでから01月04日 02時 09分に出品され01月24日 02時 09分に終了予定です。即決価格は2,098円に設定されています。現在505件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。宮崎県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
The considerable fame that Bartolomeo Campagnoli (1751-1827) achieved during his own lifetime was largely due to his contribution to violin studies. The 41 Caprices he wrote for viola and the 7 Divertimenti for solo violin are still in use today. Campagnolis career as a concert performer began in Rome in 1775, continuing in a long tour of the courts of the capital cities of Europe. In 1797 he was made concert director and first violin at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, a post that he held until 1818, although he also maintained his contacts with the most advanced and influential cultural centers of Europe. He thus enjoyed a florid exchange with some of the most famous teachers and Nevertheless, there is an unmistakably composers of the time, in particular with Cherubini and Kreutzer. The idea that true expression depends on the sound, intonation, movement, taste and aplomb of the measure was a constant tenet with Campagnoli, as was his insistence on the need to understand clearly the character of each piece in order to appreciate to the full the composers intentions. All this required respect for the exact point in which embellishments have to be added (without exceeding), because: nothing is more beautiful and moving than what is simple.
発売日: 2022/11/18
レーベル: Brilliant Classics
コメント:The considerable fame that Bartolomeo Campagnoli (1751-1827) achieved during his own lifetime was largely due to his contribution to violin studies. The 41 Caprices he wrote for viola and the 7 Divertimenti for solo violin are still in use today. Campagnolis career as a concert performer began in Rome in 1775, continuing in a long tour of the courts of the capital cities of Europe. In 1797 he was made concert director and first violin at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, a post that he held until 1818, although he also maintained his contacts with the most advanced and influential cultural centers of Europe. He thus enjoyed a florid exchange with some of the most famous teachers and Nevertheless, there is an unmistakably composers of the time, in particular with Cherubini and Kreutzer. The idea that true expression depends on the sound, intonation, movement, taste and aplomb of the measure was a constant tenet with Campagnoli, as was his insistence on the need to understand clearly the character of each piece in order to appreciate to the full the composers intentions. All this required respect for the exact point in which embellishments have to be added (without exceeding), because: nothing is more beautiful and moving than what is simple.
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