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さて、今回ご紹介の商品は。 栃木発 ¥送料全国一律¥ マーシャル SEV MARCHAL ステッカー 正規品! になります。***マーシャルジャパン オリジナル商品となります*** ***類似品、模造品にご注意下さい!*** ・猫が太っていたり痩せていたり、時にはお洒落をしていたり……… ・ロゴの書体が胡散臭い……… ・フラッグが歪んでいたり歪な模様になっていたり……… ・耐久性の無い材質で作られていたり……… 上記の様なご経験はございませんか? こちらの商品は正真正銘、マーシャルジャパン正規品となります! メーカー公称は以下の通りです。 ステッカー ロゴタイプ ホワイト 中 2枚組み マーシャルオフィシャルステッカーロゴタイプホワイト 中 2枚組み 【入り数】 1個 【サイズ】 約 幅200mm 高さ40mm 色あせしない!耐光ラミネート加工済み 屋外使用可! | |
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適合 その他 | |
To foreign customers. Thank you for visiting the N auto plan products.The text below is just a simple translation. Please forgive me though it may be a difficult-to-read product introduction. *Before placing an order, it is your responsibility to investigate and determine whether the item is prohibited from being brought into or used in a foreign country, tax evasion, copyright infringement, violation of various laws, etc.We will not be held responsible for any incidents arising from your order.*When ordering from a foreign country, please use an online shopping agency, etc. to place the order.We cannot ship directly to foreign countries.Please use an agent that handles delivery.*We cannot accept orders for products that are prohibited from being sold overseas due to instructions from the manufacturer, laws and regulations in Japan, and rules that exclusive stores must comply with.* | |
By the way, what are the products introduced this time?From Tochigi ¥ Shipping nationwide uniform ¥ Marshall SEV MARCHAL sticker Genuine!Will be.*** Marshall Japan original product ***Please be careful about similar products and imitation products! ***・ Cats are fat or thin, and sometimes fashionable ………・ The typeface of the logo has a smoky smell ………・ The flag is distorted or has a distorted pattern ………・ It is made of non-durable material ………Do you have the above experience?This item is genuine, Marshall Japan genuine!The manufacturers nominal product details are as follows.Sticker logotype white medium 2-packMarshall Official Sticker Logotype White Medium 2 Discs【input number】1 piece【size】Approximately 200 mm in width and 40 mm in heightWill not fade! Lightproof laminated and can be used outdoors! |
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