納期状況をご確認くださいCOLOUR:Light White Urban GSはこちらCOLOUR:Unpaintedはこちら商品概要Seatheight:850mm (the same as the original Urban GS seat)詳細説明The Kit nineT PARIS DAKAR that will make your nineT iconic.The comfort and rideability of your bike will greatly improve.The tank is shorter to allow you to get closer to the handlebars and load the front better.You will no longer have the strange distant feeling from the handlebars,but feel increased control over the bike.All parts in the Kit are painted,complete with graphics under clear coat and ready to be assembled.Tank:The fuel tank in Nylon re-uses the original fuel cap and fuel pump of your original bike,the reserve light will still work,and you will not have to tamper with anything,the kit is completely reversible.The fueltank comes in the Light white of the Urban GS.The original active coal filter (canister) remains the same of your original bike.All mounting brackets are supplied in the kit.The capacity is 22.5 litres,which if we calculate an average consumption of 17.7 km/litre will allow a range of 400 km ...more than enough to travel around the world!The nineT Paris Dakar tank weighs 1.7 kg less than the original one.The tank is painted,complete with graphics under the transparent and ready for assembly.Seat:The seat is divided into two parts.The rear seat of the passenger can be removed quickly using the original key provided with the bike.This allows you to carry a considerable amount of luggage when you travel alone.Side panels:Made in ABS with a matt black finish and graphics under a clear coat.Comes complete with mounting brackets,screws and anti-vibration wellnuts.Compatible with all nineT models,it comes complete with everything needed for assembly.Video instructions included.The kit nineT PARIS DAKAR will take you far....to where your dreams will carry you!注意点※TUV approved※To offer you the best we constantly improve our products details. Images may refer to a previous version.※海外輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。※輸入商材の為、商品によっては納期が遅れるケースがございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※画像には他のカラーが含まれている場合があります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※受注後のキャンセル、返品、都合交換はできません。予めご了承ください。適合車種R nineT Roadster R nineT Roadster R nineT Scrambler R nineT Scrambler R nineT Pure R nineT Pure R nineT Urban GS R nineT Urban GS 備考: (with low exhaust) R nineT Urban GS 備考: (with high exhaust)商品番号2401
『UNIT GARAGE ユニットガレージ KIT NINET PARIS DAKAR R nineT Roadster R nineT Scrambler R nineT Pure R nineT Urban GS BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-03542f60bcから出品され、744の入札を集めて04月25日 18時 21分に、227,446円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は227,446円でした。新潟県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
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