納期状況をご確認ください注意この商品は下記となります。必ずご確認ください。Surface:Chrome / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Look milledLeversSurface:Chrome / Footpeg and Lever Design:Sundance Look smoothLeversはこちらSurface:Chrome / Footpeg and Lever Design:Sundance Look milledLeversはこちらSurface:Black Shiny / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Lookmilled LeversはこちらSurface:Black Dull / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Lookmilled LeversはこちらSurface:Black Shiny / Footpeg and Lever Design:Sundance Look milledLeversはこちらSurface:Black Dull / Footpeg and Lever Design:Sundance Look milledLeversはこちらSurface:Chrome / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Look smoothLeversはこちらSurface:Black Shiny / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Looksmooth LeversはこちらSurface:Black Dull / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Looksmooth LeversはこちらSurface:Black Shiny / Footpeg and Lever Design:Sundance Look smoothLeversはこちら...詳細説明Made in GermanyForward Controls Kit with German ABE15 cm forwardforSuzuki C 1800 Intruder/WVCTThe Forward Controls Kit is delivered pre-mounted with all partsrequired for assembly,for example with an extended brake line (ifnecessary).The Forward Controls Kit fixed on the original frame points.Our Forward Controls Kit is made of steel and are available inchrome,black glossy powder coated or black matt powder coated.In order to achieve corrosion resistance in powder coating,such aschrome,the Forward Controls Kit are galvanically nickel-platedbefore powder coating.All Motorrad Burchard Forward Control Kits are supplied with a2-year warranty on processing and chromium plating.Shift- and Brakelevers are fitted by hand and provided with greasenipples. The connecting parts (ball joints) on the shift andbrakerods are free of charge and also equipped with greasenipples.This quality standard provides a minimum of play on/off the wavesand a maximum of lifetime.The Forward Control Kit deliverd with a ABE fromKraftfahrt-Bundesamt,a mounting instruction and a parts list.All removable parts are available as spare parts.The Forward Controls Kit is available in 4 different designs.注意点※画像には他のカラー、タイプが含まれている場合があります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。適合車種C 1800 Intruder C 1800 Intruder 備考: WVCT
『MOTORRAD BURCHARD モトラッド バーチャード Forward Controls Kit 15 cm forward ABE C 1800 Intruder SUZUKI スズキ Surface:Chrome / Footpeg and Lever Design:Ness Style Look milled Levers』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-a2e7f634a8から出品され、395の入札を集めて04月16日 23時 19分に、73,110円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は73,110円でした。和歌山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
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